I love throwing theme parties. In addition to a few original ideas, I spend time crawling the internet to find the other great resources. Since I'm gathering these resources anyway, I figured I might as well post them for other's to enjoy as well (and hopefully save you all some time).
My close friend and neighbor is moving several hours away (cry many tears!). She is obsessed with Toy Story (she has a whole bedroom in her house dedicated to Buzz, Woody, and friends). So, what else could I do but throw her a Toy Story Moving Party! (And I figured I could re-use the items for my twins birthday party in a few months).
I used the free background images I found at
OhMyFiesta to create a cute party invitation. (If you don't have fancy photoshop type program, I just copied and pasted the image into a Word document and added text. Then used the snipping tool to create a jpg). This invite is for a good-bye party, but you can customize it to a birthday or anything else (Example: "You've Got a Play Date with Destiny" at Child Name's 4th Birthday Party. Come have Fun to Infinity and Beyond!) .
You can download a free editable copy
If you use this invite, you may also need to download these fonts--
Bunch Blossoms (for "So, Long Partner") and
Agent Red (for "Infinity and Beyond"). You can also opt to create your own Toy Story font
Toy Story Themed Food
No party is complete without theme food! Here's the food ideas I'm using (plus a few extra).
- "There's a Snake in My Boot": I found these mini cowboy boots to fill with chocolate pudding and gummy worms.
- "I Don't Think Those are Lincoln Logs": Brownies or tootsie rolls
- "You Have Saved our Lives. We are eternally GRAPEFUL": Green grapes. Can put them skewers for a fun touch.
- "Somebody's Poisoned the Waterhole": Water, punch, or soda
- "Delicious Hot Schmoes": S'mores cookies (or real s'mores). I have the best s'mores cookie recipe. (I'll try to update with a link to the recipe soon!).
- "You're not Turning Me into Mashed Potatoes": Mashed or baked potatoes
- "Son of a Building Block": Lego candy or make your own chocolate or candy building bricks with these molds.
- Slinky Dogs: Hot dogs, corn dogs, or Vienna sausages
- Pizza Planet Pizzas: Pizza (of course)
- Al's Cheese Puffs: Cheetos or a big bucket of generic cheese puffs
- Evil Dr. Pork Chop: Pork chops or pork rinds
- Mr. Potato Chips: Potato chips
- Hamm's Ham & Cheese: Ham & cheese sandwiches, Canadian bacon pizza, or something yummy wrapped in bacon

For the food place cards I used the cute blank place cards from
The Suburban Mom blog. I have included the free printable cards I added words to
here and

There's also some fun cupcake toppers ideas.
Alien Cupcakes are adorable! If you are lacking in cake decorating talent (like me) you can opt to buy a
Bucket of Aliens on Amazon to put on the top (there's 25 in the pack and their about 1.5 inches tall- so perfect for cupcakes). You can alternatively use blue cupcake wrappers and green frosting add three of these cute
candy eyes.
Fun Toy Story Quotes
There's so many fun quotes from the Toy Story movie that you can use in your decorating by putting in frames or hanging on the walls or from the ceiling. You could also use these as part of an activity (fill in the blank or guessing game). You can find a more inclusive list
here. But here's a few of my favorites:
"To infinity and beyond."
"You've got a friend in me"
“You got a play-date
with destiny!”
"You're my
favorite Deputy"
“You’re cute when you care.”
“There is no way out. Just kidding. Door’s right over there.”
I love photo booths. They are a great way to commemorate the event and ham things up (pun intended)! It also fits really well into playing Mr. or Mrs. Potato head with different fun
photo prop pieces. I got this cute
cloud backdrop that looks like Andy's room and these some fun themed props from Amazon. There's also
this one has specific Toy Story background and props. If you're ambitious, you could even make your own etch-a-sketch frame.
Here are some links to other fun activities I found:
Party Favors


There's so many fun options for decorations!
Of course there's plenty of great decorations to be found on Amazon too (my favorite go to!).

Note: Amazon products are affiliate links.